love distance logoLOVEDistance (Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion Via Equitative Distance Teaching and Learning)

The LoveDistance Project is a collaborative project with Levinsky College of Education (Drs. Alona Forkosh-Baruch, Gal Manor, Sharon Hardof-Jaffe, and Yuval Yener), Ono Academic College (Israel), MACHBA- Inter-University Computation Center, and Institutions in Portugal, Spain, Rumania, and Georgia.

This project aims to provide a holistic view and solution in building total capacity required to transition from the traditional, frontal model of teaching in institutes of higher education to distance learning. Quality higher education now mandates the integration of technology in its teaching methods – whether face to face and frontal, flipped (learn at home, exercise in class), hybrid, or solely online. Specific emphasis is placed on pedagogical, technological, and educational know-how.

co-funded by the erasmus+ programme of the european union

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